Safeguards Specialist

hace 3 meses

Panama United Nations A tiempo completo

Result of Service

The main objective of this consultancy is to provide technical assistance for the strengthening of the operation of the Safeguards Information Module (MIS) through the management tools that compose it: MINAM Safeguards Web Portal, MIS Digital Platform and MAC REDD+ Digital Platform, ensuring intercultural, intergenerational and gender approaches in six prioritized Amazonian regions. In addition, this will include developing reports and inputs related to the implementation and reporting of safeguards are part of the MIS.

In addition, consultant will provide the following documents related to his/her work:
a) Detailed work plan that includes the objectives to be worked on and proposal of the program of the work meetings with the key stakeholders in the prioritized regions.

b) Directory of key stakeholders to be consulted in the prioritized regions.

c) Summary (including agendas and short meeting reports) of workshops and regional visits.

d) Identification and systematization of at least five (5) real cases on REDD+ requirements (reports, complaints, technical-legal consultations, among others) of the citizens of the Amazon regions. These cases will be used for the testing exercise of the REDD+ Citizen Attention Module.

e) Report on technical assistance to the key actors in the scope of the prioritized regions.

f) Elaboration of the methodology, annotated agenda, presentation (PPT) and systematization of the pilot meetings of the Citizen Attention Module for REDD+ and the REDD+ Safeguards Information Module.

g) Mapping of key actors for REDD+ safeguards issues by prioritized region.

h) Review and inputs for the safeguard’s sections of the ART-TREES registration and monitoring documents, and inputs as needed for RENAMI, nesting approach and other technical outputs.

i) Document with the proposal to update the safeguards web portal.

j) Written inputs and systemized information (folder) on safeguards, with a special focus on environmental safeguards, for the updated summary of safeguards information, to be presented to the UNFCCC.

k) Written inputs to support the participatory process related to the updating of the summary of safeguards information (methodological proposal, systematization, organization, among others).

l) Capacity-building materials for the use and registration of the MIS Digital Platform and MAC REDD+ Digital Platform.

m) Final report of achievements, lessons learned, recommendations and other technical assistance with the REDD+ technical team of MINAM and the key actors of the regions visited.

For the development of this consultancy, the consultant will be expected to:

- Manage tools and platforms for safeguards and citizen attention for REDD+.
- Provide training to key implementing actors such as Indigenous Peoples organizations, regional governments, MINAM and other public sector actors, and other key stakeholders.
- Organize spaces for participation in the use of the MIS and the MAC, in six prioritized Amazonian regions, carrying out travel to at least two regions per month, between months two and ten of the consultancy (this cost is included as an integral part of the monthly payments to the consultant).
- Report on the progress, requirements and inputs related to the management of MINAM's (Ministry of Environment Peru) tools for information on safeguards and citizen attention for REDD+, including providing systematized information for reporting to the UNFCCC, MINAM, UNEP and for ART-TREES and others, as required

Work Location
Ministry of Environment, MINAM offices in Lima, Peru

Expected duration
11 months

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action.

The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, Panama works closely with the 33 countries of the region and its activities are integrated into the Medium-Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).

Peru has strong national commitments and policies in place on climate and forests. In December 2020, Peru presented its updated NDC report for 2021-2030 in which it increased its commitment of GHG emissions reduction from 30% to 40% against the BAU scenario in 2030, with forests as an important part of the mitigation contribution.

Peru’s climate and forest policy is structured around its Framework Law on Climate Change (Law Nº 30754) and its regulation (Supreme Decree Nº 013-2019-MINAM),

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