Project Coordinator for the GCF Readiness Project “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris agreement climate change goals"

hace 2 semanas

Panama City UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme Teletrabajo Freelance A tiempo completo

Result of Service

The purpose of this consultancy is to perform the project coordination of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness project “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris agreement climate change goals” whose main objective is to provide the guiding structure for the financial sector to: (1) mobilize private capital flows towards a low-emission and climate-resilient economy and; (2) strengthen the resilience of the financial system to climate-related financial risks. Also, contributing to the efficient implementation of the project “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris agreement climate change goals” by executing the tasks outlined in the Terms of Reference. Specific tasks and responsibilities The Project Coordinator for the GCF Readiness Project “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris agreement climate change goals will contribute to the effective implementation of the project by performing the following tasks, but not limited to: A. Project Management - Financial, Administrative and Human Resources o Coordinate the development of terms of references (TORs) and works/products requirements/specifications and the identification, selection and recruitment/procurement of consultants or other service providers; o Work closely with the Administrative and Finance Officer to ensure that financial, procurement and human resource processes are managed in line with the terms of the GCF Readiness agreement, and that records of project documents and assets/equipment lists, including financial and procurement documents, are maintained in accordance with audit requirements; o Ensure the timely preparation of annual and semi-annual work plans, procurement plans and budgets for approval by the Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region and the NDA, with prior endorsement of the GCF Focal Point and the UNEP Task Manager; o Prepare bi-annual project Interim Progress Report (IPR) (progress against planned activities, update on risks issues, expenditures, etc.) and ensuring timely submission of the IPRs to the relevant instances; o Ensure timely preparation and submission of budget revisions, financial reports, request for changes (if needed), and cash advance requests; o Identify and resolve logistical and organizational issues under the guidance of the Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region, the GCF Focal Point and the UNEP Task Manager; o Coordinate an exit strategy at least 6 months ahead of the project closure date; ensure closure of the project is done according to the UNEP established procedures. o Ensure that UNEP rules and regulations concerning finance, procurement and human resources are adhered to o Undertake other tasks assigned by the UNEP Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region and/or the GCF Focal Point as part of the approved GCF Readiness B. Project Planning and Implementation o Manage the day-to-day implementation of the project, including coordinate the delivery of the outputs/activities/deliverables, based on the relevant project documents, with a view to achieving project results in a timely manner; o Ensure effective management of the project by maintaining delivery of proper technical, operational, financial, and administrative outputs, while tracking the project progress through monitoring, evaluation and reporting; o Coordinate and collaborate with the development of comprehensive/detailed project workplans and constitutive arrangements, including all project activities, key event schedules, and roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders and setting-out corresponding milestones (according to outputs 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.3); o Build, motivate and participate in a high-performing project team; provide technical inputs on the work and deliverables of the Project Coordinator Support Consultant hired under the PCU, individual technical consultants hired under the TT, other internal partners (technical areas of UNEP FI directly involved in the execution), as well as external service providers; provide expertise to the project team in both substantial and operational issues. o Provide background information and technical inputs on all completed deliverables to be submitted and approved by the Programme Management Committee on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region and the Project Steering Committee (PSC), ensuring high quality, and satisfactory management and use of GCF/UNEP resources. o Ensure that project activities and results are delivered in accordance with the required quality standards and specified time and cost constraints; o Regularly monitor and report on project performance and delivery to the Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region, GCF Focal Point and the UNEP Task Manager, including progress, achievements, challenges encountered and proposed corrective actions; o Organize meetings with the PSC, the GTFS, and other relevant stakeholders and prepare all meeting documentations, including progress reports and meeting minutes; o Coordinate logistics for organizational wide meetings and/or special events. o Draft necessary strategic documents concerning project design and implementation, such as policy and technical papers, results frameworks, work-plans etc; o Collaborate with the transfer of project deliverables to national beneficiaries and other project stakeholders; o Ensure the development of cross-project linkages with other relevant projects and programmes for mutually reinforcing impact. o Promote identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned for organizational sharing and learning. o Participate in national, regional, and global conference o Ensure the project has the required communication package and preparation, upon request of the UNEP LACO & UNEP FI, of information materials for dissemination within UNEP LACO & UNEP FI globally and regionally, and to external stakeholders; C. Building Strategic Partnerships o Facilitate collaborative and consultative processes with all key stakeholders to ensure the involvement of government and other stakeholders (including national and local authorities, non-government organizations, academia, and private sector actors) in the development of project deliverables and results; o Establish and maintain strong partnerships with leaders/members of the GTFS’s Committees to conglomerate the relevant financial stakeholders needed for the proposal’s implementation; act as an coordination focal point for the GTFS’s Committees, working groups, and technical roundtables. o Prepare the work and facilitate the meetings and communications to and from the different bodies created under the Project; act as a secretary for the PSC; develop the agenda for the PSC meetings and prepares all technical background documentation in consultation with the other partners (such as the GTFS’s Secretariat), following the general direction of the Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region; o Establishing effective linkages with other relevant projects and initiatives in the sector with a view to developing substantive partnerships and generating synergies, with a special focus with UNEP LACO & UNEP FI adaptation team portfolio. o Identifying opportunities for deepening the cooperation and recommending adequate approaches to dealing with different stakeholders based on information on all relevant stakeholders gathered during project implementation. o Support the partnerships and advocacy activities agreed by the UNEP LACO & UNEP FI in the area/sector covered by the project. D. Project Activities/Deliverables Execution It is expected that the PCU, the Project Coordinator, with the support of the Project Coordinator Support Consultant and individual technical consultants, will be responsible for the development of specific project activities/deliverables. - Output 1.2.1: Pre-accreditation technical assistance support for one DAE candidate: o Identify a Direct Access Entity (DAE) candidate for nomination by the NDA through screening of interested private financial sector entities based on the required GCF fiduciary standards, gender policy, alignment of entities’ experience and portfolios with the finalized Country Programme and updated NDC priorities. - Output 2.4.1: Workplans and constitutive arrangements for the Taxonomy Committee and the Environmental and Social Risks Analysis Committee within the Panama’s Sustainable Finance Working Group (GTFS) established to develop and implement (1) Panama’s sustainable finance taxonomy; and (2) methodologies and tools for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related financial risks: o Deliver a workshop with key national and international financial actors with the objective of defining workplans and a constitutive agreements for the development and implementation of Panama´s sustainable finance taxonomy, and methodologies and tools for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related financial risks. o Develop and agree the committee’s’ workplan and constitutive arrangements for developing and implementation: 1) sustainable finance taxonomy; and 2) methodologies and tools for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related financial risks. - Output 2.4.2: The sustainable finance taxonomy is developed, piloted, and endorsed by the GTFS’s Taxonomy Committee: o Create the technical roundtables for discussing and developing the eligibility criteria and requirements per economic sectors/subsectors for Panama’s sustainable finance taxonomy o Coordinate and support in the preparation of workshops per technical roundtable for discussing and developing the eligibility criteria and requirements for Panama’s sustainable finance taxonomy o Coordinate and support the preparation of an open consultation of the sustainable finance taxonomy and tool to receive comments/feedback from relevant stakeholders, incorporate the comments/feedback and develop the final taxonomy and tool ready to be published by the local authorities - Output 2.4.3: Framework for identification, assessment and disclosure of climate-related financial risks and opportunities for banking and insurance sectors are developed, piloted and endorsed by the GTFS’s Environmental and Social Risks Analysis Committee: o Identify the (national) climate data sources to develop the methodologies and tools for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related financial risks (climate-data gap analysis) o Assess how current banks and insurance companies in Panama currently incorporate climate change in their governance, strategic framework, risk management and reporting processes via structured surveys and interviews. o Create two working groups (one for banks, and the other for insurance companies) for testing the methodologies and tools for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related financial risks in pilot participants’ portfolios o Develop the concept and budget of an online reporting system of the climate-related financial risk exposure (both physical and transition) under the framework of the National Climate Transparency Platform

Work Location

Panama City, Panama.

Expected duration

12 months

Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, Panama works closely with the 33 countries of the region and its activities are integrated into the Medium-Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The overall objective of the UNEP’s Economy Division is to encourage decision makers in government, local authorities, and industry to develop and adopt policies, strategies and practices and technologies that promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production, make efficient use of natural resources, ensure safe management of chemicals, and contribute to making trade and environment policies mutually supportive. It promotes the development, use and transfer of policies, technologies, economic instruments, managerial practices, and other tools that assist in environmentally sound decision making and the building of corresponding activities. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is currently the world’s largest dedicated multilateral climate fund and the main multilateral financing mechanism to support developing countries in achieving a reduction of their greenhouse gas emissions and an enhancement of their ability to respond to climate change. It aims to make an ambitious contribution for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and its mitigation and adaptation goals by supporting the paradigm shift in developing countries towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways. In 2022, the GCF board approved the GCF Readiness Proposal “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris Agreement climate change goals”. The National Designed Authority (NDA) in Panama, the Minister of Environment, has nominated UNEP to be its Delivery Partner for this proposal. UNEP is looking for a Project Coordinator for the GCF Readiness Project “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris Agreement climate change goals”. The Project Coordinator for the GCF Readiness Project “Aligning financial flows of the financial sector in Panama with the Paris Agreement climate change goals” will be under the direct supervision of the Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region. Additionally, he/she will work in close collaboration with the Climate Change Directorate, of the Ministry of Environment of Panama (MiAmbiente) and other national consultants and government and non-governmental counterparts. The Project Coordinator for the GCF Readiness Project in Panama will work 40 hours per week, from Monday to Friday, full time and he/she will be in the Ministry of Environment of Panama in Panama City, Panama. The incumbent will directly report to the UNEP Programme Management Officer on Sustainable Finance for the LAC region.

Qualifications/special skills

ACADEMIC: • Bachelor’s degree in economics, finance, business administration, political science, engineering, or other related studies is required. • Master’s degree in economics, finance, business administration, political science, engineering, or other related studies is required. PROFESSIONAL: • At least four (4) years of progressively responsible experience in international organizations, the financial services sector, public or private sectors supporting the intersection between sustainable development and finance is required. • At least four (1) year of experience in project or progamme management in an international development setting. Proven strong interpersonal and relationship management skills is desirable. • Practical experience in providing consulting services to support private financial sector incorporating climate change into financial risk management is desirable. • Technical knowledge of climate risk assessment (physical and transition risks) of financial institutions portfolios to evaluate the level of exposure of these entities to climate change is desirable. • Experience in client-facing role in financial services of sustainability-related consulting is desirable. • Proven knowledge/experience in the field of sustainable finance is desirable. • Understanding of drivers of sustainability in the financial sector in emerging economies is highly valuable, with a focus on LAC/Panama as a preference is desirable. • Knowledge/experience of the private banking, insurance and/or investment industries in emerging markets is desirable, with a focus on LAC/Panama as a preference is desirable. • Previous experience working with government entities or the public financial sector in LAC/Panama is desirable. • Practical experience in areas related to design, planning, execution and monitoring in project development is desirable. • Proven track record in coordinating complex projects or programmes with diverse range of partners is desirable. • Experience in positions related to facilitating and coordinating the participation of government-led stakeholders in setting up an externally funded program or projects in Panama or elsewhere is highly desirable. • Practical experience with international donors and other public, non-state or private actors in developing countries, preferably in the LAC region, in the management of international technical cooperation projects is an asset.


• Fluency in Spanish and English is required.

Additional Information

SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: • Team oriented mind-set and strong interpersonal communication skills; • Ability to communicate findings to high-level and mid-senior-level management; • Excellent communication (spoken and written) skills, including the ability to organize and deliver written updates, events, management desirable conference calls and webinars; • Skills in facilitating consultations, workshops, and grass-roots engagements. • Ability to manage multiple stakeholders in a diplomatic, organized and timely manner; proven influencing skills; • Ability to cope with juggling multiple tasks across diverse project outputs in an organized and timely manner; • Proficiency in using Microsoft Package (Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) collaborative platforms (i.e., Teams, Google Drive) and virtual meeting platforms (i.e. Webex, Zoom, etc.) is required. SKILLS: • Professionalism: ability to perform a wide range of administrative functions, for example, human resources, budget/work program, database management, etc. Ability to apply knowledge of various United Nations administrative, financial and human resources rules and regulations in work situations. He/she shows pride in work and achievements; is thorough and efficient in fulfilling commitments, meeting deadlines and achieving results; shows persistence in the face of difficult problems or challenges; keeps calm in stressful situations; establishes and maintains productive partnerships with customers by gaining their trust and respect; identifies customer needs and combines them with appropriate solutions. • Communication: He/she speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, interprets others' messages correctly and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify and shows interest in having two-way communication; adapts the language, tone, style and format to match the audience; demonstrates openness to share information and keep people informed. • Teamwork: He/she works in collaboration with colleagues to achieve the objectives of the organization; solicits contributions by genuinely valuing the ideas and experience of others; is willing to learn from others; shares credit for team achievements and accepts joint responsibility for team deficiencies. • Planning and organization: He/she develops clear objectives that are consistent with the agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and tasks; adjusts priorities as necessary; allocates the appropriate amount of time and resources to complete the work; foresees risks and allows contingencies when planning; supervises and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

No Fee


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