Consultoría Internacional: Analyst in Monitoring and Evaluation of human mobility response, Home based

hace 4 semanas

Panamá, Panamá, Panamá UN Women A tiempo completo

I. Organizational context

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace, and security.

Placing women's rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world.

It provides solid and coherent leadership supporting Member States' priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

UN-Women focuses on integrated approaches to address the root causes of inequality from a perspective of the transformation of the systems that perpetuate gender inequalities and discrimination and with a peacebuilding approach:

  • women's voice, leadership, and female autonomy
- strengthening of global normative frameworks, and gender-responsive laws, policies, and institutions that promote gender equality at the national and subnational levels

  • Effective participation and protection of women in all areas of peacebuilding, security, and humanitarian action
- women's equitable access to services, goods, and resources
- financing for gender equality and economic empowerment
- positive social norms, including through engaging men and boys
- production, analysis, and use of gender statistics, sex-disaggregated data, and knowledge; and

  • UN system coordination for gender equality and women's empowerment

The Strategic Plan aims to achieve gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls, and the full enjoyment of their human rights.

The Strategic Plan is anchored in the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, UN Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS), the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, and other relevant intergovernmental outcomes, such as resolutions of the General Assembly and agreed conclusions of the Commission of the Status of Women.

UN Women contributes to the gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, SDG 5 on gender equality at the center of the SDGs and in coordination with all the other Goals to ensure comprehensive progress.

II. Background

Responding to the mandate to ensure that human mobility response and response efforts adequately address the needs and rights of women, gender-diverse people, and girls in mixed migration contexts, UN Women supports UN System agencies and other humanitarian actors, as well as Member States engaged in humanitarian response, in ensuring that protection mechanisms, in particular against gender-based violence on the route, and destination countries respond to both immediate life-saving needs and the long-term integration of women, LGBTIQ+ persons, and children.

UN Women co-chairs and serves as the Secretariat of the Reference Group on Gender in Humanitarian Action, which is part of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).

It works to ensure that humanitarian action by the UN and other actors responds to gender-differentiated needs and realities on the ground by providing technical guidance and developing evidence-based research.

As of October 2022, UN Women has been recognized as a full member of the IASC, expanding and strengthening its role in supporting crisis-affected women and girls and advancing gender commitments in humanitarian action.

UN Women works in complex humanitarian contexts in 30 countries to restore dignity, promote the resilience of female-headed households, and provide durable solutions for refugees.

In the Latin America and Caribbean region, UN Women has implemented Women's Leadership, Empowerment, Access, and Protection (LEAP) initiatives, as well as projects to contribute to the response of migrant and refugee women in Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and the Caribbean by developing actions to prevent gender-based violence, promote access to livelihoods, protection and participation in international forums.

Considering a triple nexus approach between development, humanitarian assistance, and peace initiatives, UN Women contributes to the humanitarian response to the human mobility crisis, as well as the development of initiatives led by women in the promotion of social cohesion, in the prevention and strengthening of the response to crises, as well as in the consolidation of the conditions for their meaningful participation in decision-making spaces that affect them.

The UN Women Regional Office provides technical and financial support with actions that contribute to the advancement of strategic priority 3 of the Cooperation Framework signed by the United Nations and the governments of Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama.

Within the framework of its competencies, it also supports the incorporation of the needs and potential of women and girls in human mobility, as well as in the humanitarian response plans in such countries.

UN Women's Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean is implementing a multi-country, gender-sensitive humanitarian programme on human mobility in Panama, Costa Rica, and Honduras.

This programme seeks to respond to the human mobility crisis in Central America by addressing gender-specific needs and improving social cohesion in border areas.

The programme is funded by the Government of Japan and aims to ensure that women affected by the human mobility crisis lead, participate equitably, and benefit from gender-sensitive protection services and social cohesion initiatives.

To achieve this outcome, the project will develop two results: 1) improved capacity of humanitarian actors to plan and deliver protection services, including attention to gender-based violence, that are responsive to the needs of women in human mobility; 2) increased capacities of women in human mobility and in host communities to access and influence the delivery of protection services and social cohesion initiatives.

As part of the implementation strategy, UN Women will focus its expertise on the capacity building of humanitarian actors as part of the implementation strategy for Outcome 1 and will select a civil society organization as the implementing partner with a particular focus on Outcome 2 of the project, closely supervised by the technical team in each country.

The UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean is seeking to hire a regional consultant for the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation framework of the Women's Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection (LEAP) project in the human mobility crisis in Central America, who will work under the supervision of the Regional Humanitarian Response Programme Management Specialist.

III. Consultancy objectives

The consultancy's main objective is to develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Women's Leadership, Empowerment, Access, and Protection (LEAP) project in response to the human mobility crisis in Central America.

This framework will oversee the project's progress, assess its impacts and innovations, and track its effects to ensure transparent reporting of results and accountability.

Additionally, it will facilitate the identification of successful practices and valuable lessons learned from the project.

The specific objectives are:

  • To develop and manage the monitoring and evaluation framework for the project, including establishing baseline and end-line using digital monitoring tools such as Track it, Kobo, etc.
  • To provide continuous reporting on the progress of the technical implementation of the project (regular updates), promptly identifying any delays in achieving results based on the digital monitoring tools developed.
  • Provide technical advice to project country teams and regional offices on data collection, processing and analysis, data protection, and confidentiality, among others.
  • Contribute to knowledge management and capacity building of relevant stakeholders associated with the project, including the UN Women Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics.
  • Elaborate knowledge products and reports to donors, UN Women, and other relevant stakeholders, under UN Women ́s supervision.

The results of the consultancy are:

  • The programme has a monitoring and evaluation framework that reports on the Track-it platform and provides indicators of the results achieved.
  • Country teams, including partners, have developed a capacity for monitoring and evaluation frameworks, in particular, to report humanitarian response.
  • Knowledge products are developed with specific data on the results achieved, lessons learned, innovative practices, etc.
  • The consultancy has provided key narrative, quantitative, and qualitative inputs so that the Women's Leadership, Empowerment, Access, and Protection (LEAP) project can transparently and clearly present its results to national and subnational government stakeholders, humanitarian actors, donors, and the beneficiary population.
  • The program has a solid framework and the necessary documentation of the implementation to carry on a successful external Final Evaluation process.
Duties and Responsibilities

IV. Scope
The successful performance of the incumbent will effectively contribute to the development of quality project reports.

In particular, the consultant is expected to carry out the following functions and activities:

Development of the M&E project framework

  • Identify best practices in monitoring Humanitarian Development Peace nexus programs developed by UN Women globally and by other agencies.
  • Develop and implement M&E tools for project data collection, including the development of online platforms, such as Track it, Kobo, etc., in coordination with the Regional and national teams, including implementing partners.
  • Document the project baseline and endline, and articulate methodologies with the UN Women Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics.
  • Support the rollout of UNW accountability framework and complaint and feedback mechanisms.
  • Ensure standardization of indicators and beneficiary counting.

2. Regular updates on project implementation

  • On an ongoing basis, collect and verify information on the project's implementation, generate documentation for internal and external stakeholders in coordination with the Programme Manager (PM), and alert the PM of any implementation gaps that compromise the project outcomes.
  • Provide key information for the monitoring and reporting framework of the Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action area of the Regional Office.

3. Knowledge building and capacity development

  • Train the technical team and implementing partners in Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama to ensure effective implementation of M&E tools, including AAP and PSEA complaints and feedback mechanisms.
  • Review consistency in data collection.
  • Promote awareness and understanding of shared responsibility for M&E among all staff members and partners through communication, training, learning, and development activities.
  • Through monitoring and evaluation activities, capitalize on good practices, lessons learned, innovations, and knowledge.

4. Communications

  • Provide key information to support the visibility of results achieved by the project through the project's communication strategy, as required.
  • Work closely with Communication specialists in the design and dissemination of information related to the project under the supervision of the Regional Programme Manager.
  • Support with key information in the drafting of program communication inputs and outputs.
  • Participate in regular meetings with the regional and country project team.
  • Support the hiring of the external evaluator and facilitate the implementation of the final evaluation.

5. Others required by the Regional Programme Manager that contributes to the correct implementation of the project.

V. Contract management

Payment for services will be made monthly, against the delivery of a report on the goals achieved within the framework of the responsibilities set out in this document, and subject to satisfaction and approval by UN Women.

The final payment must be accompanied by the consultant's performance evaluation along with the certificate of payment (COP) to process the final payment.

The Consultant contract includes all costs (all-inclusive); the Organization will not assume any costs or benefits in addition to the fee for services.

Therefore, it is the consultant's responsibility to have medical insurance for the period of the contract, and it is recommended that it includes medical coverage for COVID-19 related illnesses.

Additionally, medical coverage should be international in cases where the contract requires international assignments or missions.

If selected for this vacancy, proof of medical coverage will be required within the first two months of the contract.

VI. Performance monitoring and evaluation
The consultancy will be managed by UN Women Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Humanitarian Response Programme Management Specialist will supervise this consultancy.

The consultant is not a United Nations staff member and will carry out the activities related to their consultancy in a virtual way, from their workspace under the work plan.

The consultant will be reporting to the Humanitarian Response Programme Management Specialist.

and will be supported by the Programme Associate, who will be the point of contact on the contract and payment issues.

Three months after the beginning of the consultancy, an evaluation of the selected person's performance and the products produced will be carried out.

In case of not being favorable, the contract will be terminated by mutual agreement within 30 days.

For the consultancy's optimal development, the supervisor will provide the consultant with the existing documents and information that UN Women has related to the consultancy's topics.

It is the consultant's responsibility to obtain primary and secondary data from other sources, if necessary.

The consultant will maintain permanent coordination with their supervisor to effectively execute and develop the products requested by this consultancy.

They will also provide information as requested within the framework of the terms of reference.

As part of this assignment, there will be a maximum of 6 trips to Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panamá.

VII. Performance indicators

  • Timely presentation of products / deliverables according to the TORs
  • Work quality
  • Compliance with expected results
  • Compliance with the competencies as mentioned above (Ref. Profile of the consultant)

VIII. Intellectual rights, patents, and other property rights

The right to equipment and supplies provided by UN Women to the consultant for the performance of any obligation under this contract shall remain with UN Women.

Such equipment shall be returned to UN Women at the end of this contract or when the consultant no longer needs it.

When returned to UN Women, such equipment shall be in the same condition as when it was given to the consultant, subject to normal wear and tear.

The consultant shall be responsible for compensating UN Women for damaged or broken equipment regardless of normal wear and tear.

UN Women is entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights, including but not limited to: patents, copyrights, and trademarks, concerning products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, documents, and other materials that the consultant has prepared or collected in consequence of or during the execution of this consultancy, and the consultant acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents, and other materials constitute work carried out under the engagement of UN Women.

However, if such intellectual property or other property rights consist of any intellectual property or property rights of the consultant (i) that existed before the consultant's performance of his or her obligations under this contract, or (ii) that the consultant may develop or acquire, or may have developed or acquired, independently of the performance of his or her obligations under this contract, UN Women will not and shall not claim any ownership interest therein, and the consultant shall grant UN Women a perpetual license to use such intellectual property or other property rights solely for the purpose and the requirements of this contract.


IX. Requirements

Core values:

  • Professional integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Cultural sensitivity and diversity of values

Core competencies:

  • Awareness and sensitivity to gender issues.
  • Empowerment
  • Creative problem solving
  • Effective communication
  • Inclusive collaboration

Functional skills:

  • Proven ability to work in a team.
  • Strong monitoring and evaluation skills, including design, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Ability to synthesize project performance data and produce analytical reports.
  • Strong analytical and reporting skills.
  • Knowledge of online reporting systems for humanitarian projects.
  • Excellent writing skills in English and Spanish.
  • Ethical values and professional integrity.
Required Skills and Experience


Selection procedure and application requirements*:

**The selection process will be carried out through a *desk review*, which consists of a formal verification to verify that the applications comply with the documentary evidence to be examined and the minimum requirements established for the consultancy, followed by a the technical evaluation of the received applications, which will be qualified based on the technical requirements established in the following qualification table:
Evaluation criteria


  • Bachelor's degree in Politic or Social Sciences, Economics, Development, International Studies, or related field.

2\. A Master's degree in Political or Social Science, Economics, Development Studies, Statistics, or International Relations is required. A bachelor's degree with two additional years of experience to the ones requested will be considered.



One and a half years of progressively responsible experience at the international level in the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation positions.


4\. One experience in M&E at the UN system.


5\. One experience in humanitarian response would be an asset


6\. Extensive experience in project cycle management, research, data gathering and management, quantitative/qualitative analysis, and English reporting.


7\. Knowledge of databases and mobile data collection systems (ODK, Kobo, GRASP) and visualization tools such as Power BI.


8\. Experience working in gendered M&E tools will be an advantage.


9\. Working knowledge of English and Spanish.




Short-listed candidates may be called for a competency-based interview on the level of knowledge of the subject area and on the specific topic of this consultancy.

The relative value of the interview (if it is determined necessary after the desk review) will be 50% of the total score (i.e., 50% for the requirements compliance table and 50% for the interview).

XI. Documents to be submitted for the application

  • UN Women Personal History Form (P11), which can be found in
  • Personal identification (ID card, passport).
  • At least one Monitoring and Evaluation Report developed by the candidate in a previous experience, preferably of a humanitarian or gender-focus project.


  • Submitting the application: only one (1) file must be uploaded in PDF format. A guide is attached for you to perform this step.
  • UN Women assumes no responsibility and only describes one of the many ways to compress documents related to the application. You may use whichever one you deem appropriate.
  • Incomplete applications or those received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Only those applications appropriate for the shortlist will be contacted for an interview (if applicable).
  • Consultants who have an employment relationship with public institutions can only be hired if they present proof of a work permit (license) without expiration and a letter of no objection to the consultancy's performance, issued by the employing institution. If the candidates are linked to a research institution, academic center, or university, presenting a letter of no objection issued by the employing institution is sufficient.
  • The selected consultants must have medical coverage and present proof of their coverage within two months of signing their contract.
  • If the consultant needs to travel, medical coverage, required vaccines according to the destination, and travel insurance must be confirmed.
  • If the consultancy is international, the currency will be US dollars or the local currency.

UN Women is committed to achieving workplace diversity in gender, nationality, and culture.
At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect.

UN Women recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law.

All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity, and organizational need.

If you need any reasonable accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination.

All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women's policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

(Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.)

People from minority groups, indigenous groups, and people with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.

All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
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